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Table 1 Chain of keywords used in the literature search

From: Financial incentives for a healthy life style and disease prevention among older people: a systematic literature review



Health promotion

“health promotion” OR “promotion” OR “primary prevention” OR “prevention” OR “screening” OR “screenings”


“incentive” OR “incentives” OR “motivation” OR “motivations” OR “motivate” OR “stimulus” OR “stimuli” OR “stimulate” OR “reward” OR “rewards” OR “reinforcement” OR “reinforcements”


“financial” OR “economic” OR “economics” OR “monetary” OR “money” OR “payment” OR “payments” OR “pay” OR “bonus”


“elderly” OR “aged” OR “old” OR “senior” OR “seniors”

  1. The exact query used in PubMed: (“aged” [MeSH Terms] OR “aged” [All Fields] OR “elderly” [All Fields] OR “old” [All Fields] OR “senior” [All Fields] OR “seniors” [All Fields]) AND (“health promotion” [MeSH Terms] OR “health promotion” [All Fields] OR “promotion” [All Fields] OR “primary prevention” [MeSH Terms] OR “primary prevention” [All Fields] OR “prevention” [All Fields] OR “screening” [All Fields] OR “screenings” [All Fields]) AND (“motivation” [MeSH Terms] OR “motivation” [All Fields] OR “motivations” [All Fields] OR “motivate” [All Fields] OR “incentives” [All Fields] OR “incentive” [All Fields] OR “stimulus” [All Fields] OR “stimuli” [All Fields] OR “stimulate” [All Fields] OR “reward” [MeSH Terms] OR “reward” [All Fields] OR “rewards” [All Fields] OR “reinforcement” [MeSH Terms] OR “reinforcement” [All Fields] OR “reinforcements” [All Fields]) AND (“economics” [MeSH Terms] OR “economics” [All Fields] OR “economic” [All Fields] OR “financial” [All Fields] OR “payments” [All Fields] OR “payment” [All Fields] OR “pay” [All Fields] OR “monetary” [All Fields] OR “money” [All Fields] OR “bonus” [All Fields])